Brand Toshiba | Model: PT22LE-00E004EN
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Toshiba Satellite Z830-10T 13.3 inch Ultrabook - Metallic Grey (Intel Core i3-2367M, 1.40 GHz, RAM 4GB,128GB SSD, Windows 7 Home Premium)
1 of 1 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Fast bootup, lightweight, but horrid screen..., 4 Jan 2013
M. Pawelek "Kinematic" (Kent, United Kingdom) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Toshiba Satellite Z830-10T 13.3 inch Ultrabook - Metallic Grey (Intel Core i3-2367M, 1.40 GHz, RAM 4GB,128GB SSD, Windows 7 Home Premium) (Personal Computers)
I bought this after looking into the competition.The competition I considered were the Macbooks, Macbook Air, Samsung series 9 and Asus. These were all more expensive than the Toshiba. I seriously considered the Apples and Samsung series 9 because they have far better screens. Many other laptops and ultrabooks were excluded because of their weight. I wanted a very light laptop which this is.
In the end the Toshiba won because it has a
* long battery life
* very fast bootup time (due to the ssd)
* easy to service
* mine came with 6gb ram - I needed 6gb ram to run certain apps.
* has 3 usb ports (only 1 is usb3), 1 micoSD, headphone, microphone, gigabit Ethernet, vga, hdmi (it has more ports than just about any competitor).
* it is very light, only 1.1kg
* it has a 128gb ssd but only 97gb is available
* passable keyboard
The screen is horrid but usable. The Samsung series 9 and Macbooks have a far superior screen with much better resolution and far better viewing angle. The Toshiba viewing angle must be between 80 - 100 degrees - the tolerance is only 10deg. Go outside that 10deg range and the Toshiba screen looks rubbish. Even within the range the colors and not so good and the shiny screen annoys in daylight (on my train journey into work).
I paid £550 for my Toshiba - far less than either a Macbook or Samsung series 9. Bad screens are not unique to Toshibas, most laptops are much inferior to the lovely Samsung s9 or Macbook screens. Before you buy an ultrabook compare both the weight and screen to the Macbooks and Samsung series 9.
I would've preferred a 256gb ssd, a better screen with a higher resolution IPS panel, 2 SD slots rather than 1 and a backlit keyboard that responded to ambient lighting (like the Samsung series 9), but that would've cost me £1200-£1300 (about 2 and a half times what I paid for my Toshiba).
I'm using this with the microSD slot permanently occupied with a 64gb 30Mb/s sanDisk card. 128gb ssd is not quite enough because I'd like a dual boot machine with Linux as well as windows.
Conclusion: Awful screen, very light-weight, fast bootup, lots of connections, very usable. If I was rich I'd buy a Macbook or Samsung series 9, but I'd want a 256gb ssd. If you can live with a less than perfect screen buy it.
6 of 8 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Ultrabooks are fantastic, just don't get this one!, 28 Aug 2012
Oliver - See all my reviews
This review is from: Toshiba Satellite Z830-10T 13.3 inch Ultrabook - Metallic Grey (Intel Core i3-2367M, 1.40 GHz, RAM 4GB,128GB SSD, Windows 7 Home Premium) (Personal Computers)
I really like the idea of these ultra-books. Since seeing them on the TV adverts and looking up at what the critics and reviewers say about them I decided to take the plunge and buy this one, as my current laptop was getting a bit old hat. As a rule I don't have much to do with Toshiba, in the sense I don't have many of their products, but I have understood that there products are usually good on the hole. The laptop itself, as in the software and what's underneath is very good. It has a SSD, which means it has no moving parts which results in about 60% faster boot time and quicker and smoother application running. So this laptop is fast. That's where the good points end.What must be stressed is the quality of this laptop. I understand Toshiba have had to be careful with the materials they have used in this laptop to make it as light and as thin as possible, but the fact of the matter is this is not a quality product. It's not durable and it's very flimsy. The screen is just a joke. The base of the laptop is quite sturdy, thanks to that magnesium honeycomb construction but the plastic and the bottom of the laptop is this and the keyboard is very poor. The keys have no `depth'; they don't have a nice click. One final point I must add is my one lasted 4 days, so as you could imagine I was pretty annoyed at paying this much for a laptop for it to last a matter of hours. Since then I have ordered an [[ASIN: B005XGZ17I Asus UX21 11.6 inch Ultra book and shall be doing a review when I receive it.
2 of 2 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars Dog's Bo***cks, 15 July 2012
A. Carney "drajcarney" - See all my reviews
This review is from: Toshiba Satellite Z830-10T 13.3 inch Ultrabook - Metallic Grey (Intel Core i3-2367M, 1.40 GHz, RAM 4GB,128GB SSD, Windows 7 Home Premium) (Personal Computers)
I have now been using this beauty for approximately 2 months. I bought it for my wife, who then realised that the model I had purchased had a UK keyboard (she is Swedish and wanted a Scandinavian one!). Having seriously customised it ..and having had the opportunity to play with it, I was loath to return it. I commute 2000 miles weekly and humping a 2.5kg standard laptop is just a no go. Having purchased a clutch of 7 inch android tablets for my kids I was seriously considering going this route for my travels. I am so glad that I did not. This has been described by several of my regular long distance commuting colleagues as "the best/nicest laptop I've ever seen". I agree with previous reviewers that it would seriously benefit from an upgrade to the hard drive size wise, as to speed of boot up, silent operation( by the time I bought mine the problem earlier reviewers identified with the fan had already been corrected by the BIOS upgrade), it is frankly the most desirable piece of computing equipment I have ever owned, and I have had a huge number from Sinclair Spectrums to a Core i7 with 12 GB of RAM and 2 TB HD. It is feather light (1100g/2lb 4 oz), totally silent and seriously quick. Storage is easily expanded, I personally recommend the 64GB Platinum Class 10 SDXC Card for £31.55 each here on Amazon. Despite being £700 light having bought my wife her preferred configuration, I cannot but wholeheartedly recommend this machine, especially since, when I purchased it, Toshiba were offering to extend the warranty by a further 12 months just for registering your purchase (note, I do not know whether this still applies). Altogether thouroughly recommended, with commiseratios to the reviewer above whose SSD failed. 0 of 4 people found the following review helpful
1.0 out of 5 stars Hard drive stopped working 2nd week., 26 Jun 2012
Clemo - See all my reviews
This review is from: Toshiba Satellite Z830-10T 13.3 inch Ultrabook - Metallic Grey (Intel Core i3-2367M, 1.40 GHz, RAM 4GB,128GB SSD, Windows 7 Home Premium) (Personal Computers)
Absolutely rubbish laptop. I have now purchased the upgraded version by a different web site and its perfect condition. I kept saying to my partner whom is my oracle for computers that there was something wrong with this laptop. First it was mega slow, then windows crashed and finally the hard drive completely packed in and died. Contacted Amazon for no stock to be left, which now I'm thankful for as I purchased an upgrade for a cheaper price which is fab. 12 of 12 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Excellent laptop but ..., 7 April 2012
Mrs L "HL" (UK) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Toshiba Satellite Z830-10T 13.3 inch Ultrabook - Metallic Grey (Intel Core i3-2367M, 1.40 GHz, RAM 4GB,128GB SSD, Windows 7 Home Premium) (Personal Computers)
Excellent product (I've always sworn by Toshiba). Love the matte screen! Love the backlit keyboard too.One important point to note, and this is something I really feel ought to be part of the standard product information for devices nowadays:
The operating system takes 30 GB of the already-too-little SSD space of 128 GB.
So BE AWARE! You only have 97GB left for all your software and files!
12 of 14 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars How an Ultrabook should be, 6 April 2012
jtcoops - See all my reviews
This review is from: Toshiba Satellite Z830-10T 13.3 inch Ultrabook - Metallic Grey (Intel Core i3-2367M, 1.40 GHz, RAM 4GB,128GB SSD, Windows 7 Home Premium) (Personal Computers)
There is no shortage of Ultrabooks on the market, all trying to be the Macbook Air. Toshiba have been a little different with the Z830 - for a start its not silver/aluminium in colour, and secondly it is much lighter than anything else on the market.I was a bit concerned having read concerns about the noisy fan and flimsey screen but I trust Toshiba having been a fan of their laptops for a while so bought the Z830 without playing with one first, mainly because no high street shops seemed to have them in stock.
As soon as it arrived I powered it up and indeed the fan was really noisy and annoying. I downloaded the latest BIOS update, rebooted and .... silence. The fan now only starts when the laptop gets hot - and it really doesn't get hot that often so most of the time there is no noise at all. Its a shame Toshiba missed this but at least the fix is easy to apply.
The screen does indeed have some flex to it - but I can't see how that will ever be a problem. I don't usually flex screens on laptops so it hardly seems that much of a problem. It is also one of the few laptops returning to matt finish screens, and although I miss the perceived clarity of a glass screen the lack of glare is fantastic. I can work again in direct sunlight.
Compared to the Macbook Air it feels about half the weight. The battery life is excellent - I've not run a proper test but reckon 6 hours or more would not be a problem, especially on economy mode (for which there is a handy button to switch to). The keyboard is really nice, it takes some getting used to but is responsive and the back illumination is also good - unlike the Macbook it switches off when idle rather than drain the battery down.
The audio is also the other strong point and better than some £1000+ laptops I have tried. For the size of the laptop it is more than acceptable.
Having an ethernet port is really useful, as is the VGA output. For connectivity the Z830 is miles ahead of the Asus and Acer ultrabooks.
The trackpad is also nice and responsive, and for me the biggest selling point of separate mouse buttons, rather than built into the trackpad which you find with the other Ultrabooks. The buttons do feel a little cheap, but that is perhaps the only weakpoint for me. Otherwise, this is a superb laptop at a super price.
Highly recommended - and if my previous Satellite Pro is anything to go by, this will be a reliable for a long time to come. Well done Toshiba!
11 of 13 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Nice but noisy, 28 Mar 2012
Cabbage - See all my reviews
This review is from: Toshiba Satellite Z830-10T 13.3 inch Ultrabook - Metallic Grey (Intel Core i3-2367M, 1.40 GHz, RAM 4GB,128GB SSD, Windows 7 Home Premium) (Personal Computers)
I bought this laptop for use as a Linux development laptop. I work in embedded software and a lot of this involves Linux.The decision was made based on five factors (not in any particular order):
1) Full size connectors (including RJ45 for wired Ethernet connection).
2) Intel Core i5 processor. Nice and fast.
3) 128GiB SSD, Quiet and robust.
4) Toshiba always fare well in the Laptop Reliability statistics. Unlike HP.
5) Light and portable with a usable display size.
So I bought the laptop, played with Windows 7 for about an hour. Pre-packed Toshiba 'utilities' made me nauseous as did the prompts from McAfee to register/buy the compensation they sell for a rubbish OS. I did notice that the fan was on. Continuously. This was not such a problem in a busy room, but alone it became too much. A brief web-search later alerted me to the fact that Toshiba had updated to BIOS version 1.6 which turns off the fan when not needed. Excellent, so download from Toshiba Europe's web site and fire up Wine. Oh dear. Wine does not play well with the Toshiba Windows executable which forms the BIOS update. The best part of the story was that I removed all NTFS partitions from the 128GiB SSD (of which 99GiB is usable). Better than that, such was the disgust at using Windows, I never created a USB Recovery Media. This meant I had no easy way of returning to Windows to install the BIOS update. Oops.
Fast forward to part II of the story. Now have a new z830 laptop with updated BIOS. Fan loud, but intermittent so tolerable.
Laptop is light and fast. Mainly silent (no noise from SSD when fan is off). Have not had a good chance to try any significant build tools on it yet so unable to gauge the performance when running Linux. Would I recommend this to others? Yes, but make sure you update the BIOS before formatting the whole of the SSD (or at least make a recovery USB Drive, which needs at least a 12GiB USB mass storage device for the job).
Not sure I like the buttons below the touch pad, but I don't use them much anyway. They feel too cheap and plastic.
Display bright, colours are typical for a laptop, not as good as my TV but adequate.
5 of 5 people found the following review helpful
5.0 out of 5 stars very very good purchase, 26 Mar 2012
Claude Belanger - See all my reviews
This review is from: Toshiba Satellite Z830-10T 13.3 inch Ultrabook - Metallic Grey (Intel Core i3-2367M, 1.40 GHz, RAM 4GB,128GB SSD, Windows 7 Home Premium) (Personal Computers)
this is an amazing laptop, light and ultrathin, all promises kept, extremelly easy to configure, another good TOSHIBA choice. Since I got my first Toshiba, I always stick to the brand and I am always impressed how much progress they make with each new model, correcting any (small) faults of the previous models. Not too much "default" software, quiet keyboard, perfect size.And delivery - exceeding my expectations, it flew from England to France in ONE DAY right to my doorstep.
Thank you amazon :)!!!
19 of 19 people found the following review helpful
4.0 out of 5 stars Now it works, 3 Mar 2012
Lyracat (Scotland) - See all my reviews
This review is from: Toshiba Satellite Z830-10T 13.3 inch Ultrabook - Metallic Grey (Intel Core i3-2367M, 1.40 GHz, RAM 4GB,128GB SSD, Windows 7 Home Premium) (Personal Computers)
This lives up to the specs and reviews: it is light, has a non-reflective screen (which is why I bought it), and good battery life. There was a problem with networking on battery, which I tracked down to the wireless card settings (in device manager/networking). It was set to allow the system to turn off device, which it did to save power, so I kept losing the internet connection. Not sure if it came like that or if it was something I changed, but I've spent the best part of a day sorting it. If you have the same problem report it. What Other Items Do Customers Buy After Viewing This Item?
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